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Bow Mar Yacht Club

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BMYC is a private sailing club for residents of Bow Mar,  who are in current and good-standing membership with BMOI (Bow Mar Owners, Inc).  The club was founded in 1954 by an eager and energetic group of Bow Mar residents ready to take advantage of their home town lake. 
It has grown to include an active fleet of Snipe and Laser racers, along with Sunfish sailors, and an ever-popular Junior Sailing Program .  The club hosts a summer Club Race Series on Sundays from Memorial Day through Labor Day,  an Invitational Junior Regatta, the Norm Tanner Snipe Regatta in July, and the season culminates with an awards party.  
Many of the trophies awarded date back to the 1950's and are a who's who of Bow Mar history. 
Become a member.  Membership is $150/family for the year, and includes:
             - Entry to the Commodore’s Party, and other yacht club parties
             - Use of yacht club check-out sailboats, Sunfish, Lasers and Snipes (on the beach boat racks)
             - Sunday Club Races
             - Access to Adult Sailing Lessons
             - Reciprocity and entry into Yacht Clubs worldwide, with your BMYC membership card. BMYC is a member of The Yachting Club of America.         

Yacht Club Activities
  • Sunday Club races - Club races are held every Sunday afternoon, Memorial Day through Labor Day. Members and their guests are welcome to join in. Jr Sailors, with their Solo License, are also welcome to participate. Join your fellow sailors for some friendly and competitive racing! Members are welcome to use check-out boats. More info on the yacht club website.
  • Adult Sailing Lessons - Want to learn to sail? Or take a refresher class, so you can get out on the lake? The Jr Sailing instructors offer private, and semi-private lessons, for yacht club members. See the BMYC website for more info.
  • Junior Sailing classes - Jr Sailing classes are offered through the summer on Bow Mar Lake, June through August, for Bow Mar and Bow Mar South residents. Bow Mar residents are given priority registration. Registration begins in April.  For information on the Jr Sailing program, or Adult Sailing Lessons, go to the yacht club website, and click on Jr Sailing. 

            To join the yacht club, or for more information about Bow Mar Yacht Club, membership, Sunday club races, events, calendar, etc., go to the BMYC Website by clicking HERE!