Upcoming Events

2024-25 Budget & Dues Approval
The BMOI Board is implementing a new process for the community to approve the yearly budget and BMOI dues amounts.  Each year we will provide the proposed budget and dues to the membership for approval. We need your vote!!!  Over 51% of the membership needs to vote and over 60% of the membership has to veto the budget for it to not be approved.  Since this is a new process we are a little bit behind, we need all votes by Thursday, January 30th, so we can send dues statements and collect the dues needed to support our operating costs so please visit the 2024-25 Budget & Dues Approval Page and vote now!
Thank you to everyone who attended the annual meeting - it was great to see everyone.  
We are happy to announce the results of the election for the 4 open BMOI positions:
Steve Foreman – 204 votes (3 year term)
Brus Osborne – 194 votes (3 year term)
Prairie Robinson – 181 votes (3 year term)
Danny Esposito – 156 votes (1 year term)
Andrea Gioia – 136 votes
Juliet Dawkins – 129 votes
Thank you to everyone who was willing to run for the board and support our neighborhood.  To see new board member positions and contact board members please visit the Meet the BMOI Board page.
During this meeting we also recognized several of our amazing volunteers:  Cathi Cox, Sarah Chapman, and Jenny Kelly.  Congratulations and thank you for your service to the neighborhood!
Additionally, we announced the construction of a new Board and DRB approved, ADA, all season Marina bathroom and introduced the Beach Phase II Construction Design.  For more information on these projects please visit the Beach Phase II Concept Design Page
If you missed the meeting and would like more information you can view the annual report. 
As described at last year's annual meeting, the introduction of Mass Balancing by the state has resulted in a situation where the current water rights owned by BMOI are not sufficient to keep our lake full throughout the year.  A Water Committee was assembled to explore options to ensure BMOI and BMS would have enough water rights to keep our most important asset, our lakes, full.  
The committee has been working for the past 18 months and has recommended a solution to attain the necessary water rights.  You can find full proposal under the Water Rights Menu Item.
We will have a full Water Proposal Discussion Session with several members of the Water Committee on October 5th at 4pm at the Beach - please attend this session if you would like to have a detailed discussion since there will not be a detailed session during the Annual Meeting.
We have created a Follow Up FAQ answering all questions the board has received related to the water proposal.  We have also created a Survey to collect opinions on the proposal from the membership - both of those items can be found on the Survey & Follow Up page.
The BMOI board welcomes your feedback.  Please send all comments and questions to communications@bowmarcolorado.com.
On September 29, Bow Mar celebrated its first annual STEM Day with a variety of exciting activities designed to inspire curiosity and innovation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Participants engaged in hands-on experiments and games tied specifically to Bow Mar. Check out the photos below!
Highlights included:
·       Over 100 Bow Mar participants
·       Five interactive activity stations led by STEM professionals (Blob/Catapult Build, How Fish Breathe Experiment, Water Cyle Experiment, Buoyancy Experiment, Bow Mar Lake Fish Bingo)
·       Free Kona Ice to cool down on the hot day
A huge thank you to the leaders of the STEM activities and the organizer of Bow Mar STEM Day:
·       David Hodel, Middle School Science Teacher
·       Andrea Gioia, Technology Executive
·       Tom Feldkamp, Technology Executive and Fish Stocker
·       Kelly Shipley, High School Chemistry Teacher
·       Sawyer Halingstad, NREL Scientist
·       Ella Swanson, Bow Mar STEM Day Organizer
And a big thank you to all participants for their enthusiasm and creativity!
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