Upcoming Events

The Annual Meeting will be held on November 14th at 7pm at Centennial Academy (full agenda forthcoming) and the Nominating Committee is soliciting nominations for the BMOI Board positions that are open. 
The members of the nominating committee are Candy Ergen, Julie Hopkins, Sarah Jumps, Jeanne Gotschalk, and Marsha Dennis. The Nominating Committee will meet with Nominees to provide a slate of worthy and qualified candidates.  All nominated members who meet the qualifications for board service will be placed on the ballot and announced prior to the meeting.  Floor nominations will no longer be allowed on the day of the meeting in order to give all members the opportunity to consider the board slate prior to the meeting. 
There are 3 positions for 3 year terms and 1 position for a 1 year term. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for these positions, please send an email to Candy.Ergen@Summitcapitalllc.com with the subject: Attn: Nominating Committee BMOI or contact any member of the nominating committee. We will contact each person to discuss the qualifications, requirements and details of a BMOI Board position.
Thank you in advance for your interest in serving our community and we look forward to hearing from you!
As described at last year's annual meeting, the introduction of Mass Balancing by the state has resulted in a situation where the current water rights owned by BMOI are not sufficient to keep our lake full throughout the year.  A Water Committee was assembled to explore options to ensure BMOI and BMS would have enough water rights to keep our most important asset, our lakes, full.  
The committee has been working for the past 18 months and has recommended a solution to attain the necessary water rights.  You can find full proposal under the Water Rights Menu Item.
We will have a full Water Proposal Discussion Session with several members of the Water Committee on October 5th at 4pm at the Beach - please attend this session if you would like to have a detailed discussion since there will not be a detailed session during the Annual Meeting.
We have created a Follow Up FAQ answering all questions the board has received related to the water proposal.  We have also created a Survey to collect opinions on the proposal from the membership - both of those items can be found on the Survey & Follow Up page.
The BMOI board welcomes your feedback.  Please send all comments and questions to communications@bowmarcolorado.com.
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